Friday, September 25, 2009

Western Day @ School

Austin had western day at school and he was so excited. This past weekend my mom bought new boots and a cowboy hat for Austin. Doesn't he look handsome!?! I think so. He is our little cowboy!

Say cheese!
I love this picture of Austin (he could be a western model), and I wish Kayla would have looked at the camera.

I captured little Kayla upset and big brother Austin is trying to comfort her. Look at her little face.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Grapefest 2009

We went to Grapefest and it was super crowded. It was also hot! We had a fun time, but not so fun when it came to pulling the wagon through the crowd. Next year we will have to go on Thursday when it starts. It wasn't so smart to go on Saturday afternoon. I can't wait to go back next year.

Soccer, Soccer, Soccer

Austin had his first soccer game today. He did such an excellent job. I was actually shocked at how well he played. He may have gotten my soccer talent. 2 goals! Austin is #3. Here is a little background on Austins team. The team has 8 players: 6 boys and 2 girls. This is a boys Under 5 division, but the girls wanted to play with the boys. We are the only team with girls. The team is the Midlothian Mustangs and 5 of the players played last Spring together. Austin is one of the three new players to the team. Our big boy Austin is the youngest one on the team, but you can't tell by his size. Austin really enjoys going to practice and likes Coach Brandon. A coach that coached at Cedar Hill High School when I attended has a daughter (Logan) on Austins team. Pretty crazy that our kids are on the same team. We are so glad Austin is on this soccer team.

Austin and Kayla

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fossil Rim- Glen Rose, Tx

Travis took off work and took us to Fossil Rim in Glen Rose, Tx. We love Glen Rose! It was the kids first time to go and mine as well to Fossil Rim. We all absolutely loved it and had such a great time. Austin & Kayla really enjoyed throwing the animal feed out the window for the animals. Some animals got really close to the car. One zebra wouldn't even move when he saw our car coming, so we went right by him. We had a couple of elk put their heads in the window. It was funny! The Walters family had a great time

Austin and Kayla looking out the window at the animals.

Kayla eating a snack.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pre-K Begins....

Our big boy Austin started pre-k today. He goes to school three days a week. I am thankful that he has the same teacher he had when he started last spring. Ms. Jane is such a wonderful person and he is blessed to have her again this year. Austin was excited to start school back up (doubt it will be like that as he gets older). He totally picked out his outfit, in case you are thinking it doesn't match. I didn't cry, pretty sure I will though next year. Kayla on the other hand was angry that she had to leave her brother. Austin had a great first day of pre-k!

This is how Austin takes pictures now. Where are his eyes? ha ha

Oh I was excited about school, but do I really want to go? A look of shock (austins face) and sweet little Kayla being goofy. love it!

The kiddos wanted me to take another picture.

This is more like it!

PaRtY TiMe

Austin and Kayla got invited to Nolan's 4th birthday party. It was so much fun. They ran around the playground and were super tired when we left. They brought home tons of candy!!! Here are some pics: