Friday, May 28, 2010

Giants of the Savanna

The kids and I took a trip to the Dallas Zoo to check out the new Giants of the Savanna. It is my favorite part of the zoo. Austin and Kayla loved looking at the animals. They especially liked the Cheetahs and Lions. It was HOT!

Austin & Kayla checking out the elephants.

One of the elephants...



Austin and Kayla on the monorail.



Kayla on the carousel. Of course she chose to ride on a Dinosaur!

Austin on a gorilla! He likes gorillas.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Party Time!

Austin & Kayla were invited to Cole's 5Th birthday party. He plays soccer with Austin. The kids had such an awesome time on the water slide. It was such a beautiful day for a party.

Kayla waiting for someone to come down the slide. Austin is going up the ladder to get on the slide in the back of the photo.
Here comes Austin down the slide..whoa!

Little Kayla of course eating a cupcake :)

Austin and Kayla getting ready to slide. Fun times!

Last Soccer Game

Austin had his last Spring season soccer game with the Mustangs. The coach is great and so are the kids and parents. He has been on a good team. After the game they were awarded their trophy for the season. Austin was super excited to receive another trophy. Way to go Mustangs. Austin is #3 in the photos below.

Coach Brandon talking to the kids before they play.

Austin was the 1st one to get a trophy.

U5 Midlothian Mustangs.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Opening day

The kids and I went to Opening day for the minor league baseball team in Grand Prairie, Tx. They are the AirHogs. We had a wonderful time. The rain had stopped, so that was a good thing!

The AirHogs warming up before the game.Austin...

Austin & Kayla looking at the baseball field.

Kayla being a little goofy.

Take 1...too funny!

Take 2....still a little goofy. These two kids love each other so much. What great siblings!

Pre-K end of School program

Austin had his end of school program on May 13th. I can't believe he has already finished pre-k! Here are a couple of photos.

Kayla waiting for her brother to come on stage.

Still waiting....

Ms. Jane's two 4 year old classes.

Getting ready to sing...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kayla's 1st haircut

Kayla got her first haircut Friday May 7Th. Barely any hair was cut, because it is too cute to cut it all off. She did absolutely wonderful. I took her to Smitty, where Grammy, Austin and I go. Smitty has always been great with our kids. Every time I have taken Austin to get his haircut, she puts Kayla in the chair and fixes her hair to get her used to the idea. Kayla was perfect and such a big girl. She made mommy proud! Here are some photos taken with my Iphone. Kayla's hair is pretty long!