Sunday, October 17, 2010

2010 Midlothian Fall Festival

The Midlothian Fall Festival was so much fun!

Austin waiting for Kayla.

Here comes Kayla!

Sweet little kayla! She loves this so much.


Austin and Kayla :)

Kayla is a little cowgirl!

State Fair of Texas 2010

First ride of the day!

Kayla loves it!

Can you spot Austin?!? Last car..

Race car fun!

Litle Kayla!

Austin & Kayla with Scooby Doo!

Little Kayla exhausted, before we even left the fair!

October Fun

My mom and I took the kids to Calloway's Nursery. They were having a fun filled day of activities. The kids got free popcorn, got to jump in the bounce house, and decorate pumpkins.

My Dad and the kids!


Pumpkins Austin and Kayla made.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Austin has been in kindergarten over a couple weeks now and really enjoys it. Today, he had a Teddy Bear Parade along with the other kindergarten classes. They got to walk around the school to music. It was super cute! Of course he took his Gorilla (Bumblebee) and wore his Buzz Lightyear pjs (thanks mom!). Other photos are of some of his artwork outside his classroom! :)

Here comes Ms.Schabron with Austin's class.

Austin coming down the hall for the Teddy Bear Parade!

Smiling for Mommy and Kayla!

Heading back to class after the parade.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Well, I was a forgetful mommy! Totally forgot to take Kayla's picture on the 1st day of school. But, she was so cute today, I hope this made up for it! Here are some photos of precious little Kayla. Adorable! :)

Midlothian Homecoming Parade

Grammy and I took the kids to the Midlothian homecoming parade. They got a bunch of candy and had fun. It was HOT!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fun for Kayla!

I took Kayla to open gym at a gymnastics place with the moms group. She had such an awesome time running around and having fun! Kayla really enjoyed playing with her friend Ava, they are so cute together. My friend Brandi took these photos, she is Ava's mom.

Little Kayla swinging into the pit, she loved it. Look at her huge smile :)

Fun in the pit!

Kayla and her friend Ava giving each other a hug!

She loves to jump! Check out all that crazy hair!

Kayla and Ava having such a fun time!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Benjamin's Birthday Party

We went to celebrate my cousin Christina's little boy Benjamin's 3rd birthday! The kids had such a fun time playing, jumping on the trampoline, hitting the pinata, and the tractor ride out in the country! It was really nice seeing my family.

Kayla having an awesome time jumping on the trampoline!

Kayla sitting with Maddie, while Benjamin was opening his gifts.

Austin looking out at the pond, pretty!

Austin loved the tractor ride with my Uncle Johnny.

The boys as always having fun wrestling.

Birthday Boy Benjamin!

Little Kayla trying to hit the pinata with my Uncle Phillip.

Kayla sitting with Maddie ready to go on the tractor ride.