Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Circus Block Party

My mom and I took Austin & Kayla to the free circus block party at the American Airlines Center. It was super crowded! It was really hard to get a good spot and then finally we found one. The kids really enjoyed watching the elephants eat. Fun time! We can't wait until we go to the circus this weekend! :)

Some goofy clowns performing.

Austin watching and Kayla looking the other way, ha ha.

The elephants! One is looking right at me...

Cool elephant.

A picture of all four of the elephants. They were so fun to watch.

Austin riding his bike

My parents bought Austin a bike for his fourth birthday and here are some pictures of him learning how to ride his new bike.

Austin learning to ride his bike.

Daddy helping Austin get going on his bike.

There he goes!

Kayla was snacking while Austin was learning to ride his bike.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

National Day of the Cowboy

We went to Forth Worth to celebrate the National Day of the Cowboy. It was so much fun. The kids got to see a Texas gunfight show and they weren't even scared. Then we went and saw the cattle drive and a parade. Kayla of course absolutely loved the horses. We walked around a bunch, went into shops, had lunch (the burgers were horrible, Travis makes way better burgers) and took the kids to the candy store. So it was a fun filled day for the Walters family.

Kayla was a little upset while waiting for the gunfight show.

This is a picture of some of the cast of the show.

Austin watching the gunfight show.

The bad old cowboys in the show.

Kayla watching the show. Don't you love her shirt!?! Mommy's Lil Cowgirl.

The dead cowboys!

Longhorns in the cattle drive. They were so close!

More longhorns...

Sheriffs on horses. I think I am going to have to become a sheriff so I can ride a horse. I asked Kayla if she wanted mommy to be like these people and she nodded her head yes. ha ha

Travis and the kids watching the parade.

This guy looks like John Wayne!

Austin and Kayla still watching the parade.

Love these horses! They are so beautiful.

Kayla having fun riding the horse.

Austin riding the horse.

Just a day...

I took the kids to the Cedar Hill Library for what they called Heavy Metal Petting Zoo. They had a fire truck, police car and motorcycle, ambulance, care flight helicopter and more. You could even go inside a get a tour on the different things and try on some gear. The kids weren't very interested so we didn't stay long. I would have liked to stay and looked at more stuff, but there is only so much you can do when the kids are in a bad mood.

Austin & Kayla standing by the Care Flight helicopter.

Kayla by the police car. Future cop?!? I think she has the right attitude...ha ha. Love her face in this pic.

This is actually the part of the day Austin enjoyed. He threw the football and made it in the hole 3 out of 3 times...future quarterback!?!

Monday, July 20, 2009

SuMmEr FuN

Fun in the sun at a little pool in Arlington. It had a slide and the kids absolutely loved it.

Kayla playing in the water. Look how long her hair is...wow!

Love this pic of my angel. Having a blast!

Austin getting ready to go down the slide again...

This is Kayla at the top of the slide, her big brother took her up every time. I would wait for her. So proud that my little dare devil could go down all by herself.